PICTURE EXPLANATION: This year taking the pictures was a bit unusual.!! And Like Murphy's Law "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong". Vicki Steere and I had copies. I should have printed a copy for every veteran so it was easier to understand. Of course, now I say that after said and done. If you think you are misplaced "like I should have been in that one and not the other one". I can manipulate the picture and put in a "head shot" to fix it. Email me and put the Title of the pictures in your email with explanation.

DECADE PICTURE 1950'S - L to R: Rod Rodello, David Steere, Ron Blevins and Dennis Giguere.
DECADE PICTURE 1960'S: L to R: Robert Maloney, Bill Kay, Dave Wilson, Cecil Evans, Mike Kenny, Paul Cooper (son of Henry Cooper), Jimmy Cogswell, Vince Strain, Rob Boysen, Tom Bouwens, Jimmy Cogdill, Dennis Giguere and Clint Kammerer.
DECADE PICTURE 1970'S: L to R: Paul Cooper (son of Henry Cooper), Henry Isenburgh, Gary Jennings, David Lang, Bill Ward, John Lane, Bob Harris and Jim Pagel.
SERVING IN THE 1960'S AND 1970'S: FRONT ROW L to R: Cecil Evans, Jimmy Cogdill, Rod Rodello, Clint Kammerer, Rob Boysen, Bill Ward, Jim Pagel, John Lane, Robert Maloney and David Steere. BACK ROW L to R: Bill Kay, Henry Isenburgh, Paul Cooper (son of Henry Cooper), Jimmy Cogswell, David Wilson, Tom Bouwens, David Lang, Vince Strain, Bob Harris, Mike Kenny and Gary Jennings
VETERANS SERVING IN THE 1950'S AND 1960'S: KNEELING L to R; Bill Kay, Jimmy Cogdill, David Steere, Robert Maloney, Jim Pagel, John Lane and Ron Blevins. STANDING L to R: Dennis Giguere, Cecil Evans, Vince Strain, Jimmy Cogswell, Clint Kammerer, Tom Bouwens, Rob Boysen, David Lang, Bob Harris, Henry Isenburgh, Gary Jennings, Bill Ward, Rod Rodello, Mike Kinney and Dave Wilson.
The veterans with their spouse, friend or relative.
Tom & Laura Kirk were at the reunion, in and out at different times. Was nice to see them.
Congratulations to all the participants in the t-shirt contest. Everyone who didn't win deserves an honorable mention! A few comments on all the participants:
- Paul Cooper, our winner. His story is included with his picture below. Thank you Barb and Paul!
- Ron Blevins: Ron's t-shirt applique has a bit of history. When Ron was serving in the orient he had the applique made. He has had it for quite a few years and the t-shirt contest must have inspired Ron to have it put on a t-shirt and enter. I was thinking only gals would sign up and when Ron signed up thought he must have entered in error. Well, Ron has hidden talent that we are unaware of. The t-shirt has an interesting background and applaud Ron for telling his story. Thank you Ron!
- Karen Kay: Karen made four t-shirts. That is sewing with a capital S. She made the t-shirt for Bill and also Jimmy and Judy Cogdill. Karen's designs delighted us with her ladies designs, one with ruffles and the other with lace. On the flip side Bill and Jimmys' masculine design portrayed a cool, white t-shirt that encompassed these Navy guys with stamina and muscle. The cute knots on the gals t-shirt was a nice touch and the "Goddess of the Hunt" decal was displayed on the back of each t-shirt. Thank you Karen!
- Vince & Karen Strain: Wow, their design was perfect for any veteran who served on the Higbee. The appliques were larger than life and the colors just right. Especially for these two seasoned travelers who never stay in one spot for too long. A t-shirt that stands out and the message easy to understand. A nice touch on Karen's shirt on the back"Navy Wife" and the large picture on Vince's t-shirt. Thank you Vince and Karen!
- Dave & Sharon Wilson: Sharon was the designer of the shirt and Dave more of a consultant. Dave was the most energetic model, he moved into the room and explained all of the enhancements he liked, especially two points, he really liked the pocket and his picture of the USS Higbee on the back after it had gone through FRAM. Sharon went through some trial and error to get the appliques to attach to the t-shirt but all was good, Dave liked the shirt and that is what mattered. Thank you Sharon and Dave!
AND THE WINNER IS --------------Paul Cooper is the winner chosen by the judges. They said his t-shirt came from the heart as Paul's father, Henry had served on more than one ship while serving. Paul included all the ships his dad served on and said "My Dad always said he liked the USS Higbee the best". CONGRATULATIONS TO PAUL AND HIS MOM, BARB!!!. They received the award and also gift from the Higbee Association donated by Dave & Sharon Wilson.

We all missed Lee and Sandy McCumsey this year at the reunion. I had communicated with Sandy before the reunion and she was so looking forward to attending the USS Higbee reunion in Buffalo, NY. They both play and important role in making it the best and most fun time. Unfortunately Sandy lost her father to cancer a few days before the reunion and had obligations she had to take care of. He lived next door to Lee and Sandy and was a wonderful father. He made tasty caramel candy and Sandy had brought some to the reunion in past years for the silent auction. I had purchased some and it was yummy. Fortunately, Sandy contacted me on our return trip to Colorado. Dave and I drove this year and traveling on I-80 Sandy said we would be only about 30 miles north of where they live. We met in Ottowa, IL and had lunch with Lee and Sandy at Cracker Barrel. It was good to see both and had a nice visit with Lee and Sandy and caught them up on the activities at the reunion.
Rod and Paula Rodello also stopped in Streator, IL to visit with Lee and Sandy. Rod tows his camper all over the US and he was on his trip home also. Sandy said they had a great visit and it sorta felt like a small reunion for Lee and her. Were happy to see our friends and below are a couple of pictures taken. Thank you Lee and Sandy for your hospitality.
We all missed Lee and Sandy McCumsey this year at the reunion. I had communicated with Sandy before the reunion and she was so looking forward to attending the USS Higbee reunion in Buffalo, NY. They both play and important role in making it the best and most fun time. Unfortunately Sandy lost her father to cancer a few days before the reunion and had obligations she had to take care of. He lived next door to Lee and Sandy and was a wonderful father. He made tasty caramel candy and Sandy had brought some to the reunion in past years for the silent auction. I had purchased some and it was yummy. Fortunately, Sandy contacted me on our return trip to Colorado. Dave and I drove this year and traveling on I-80 Sandy said we would be only about 30 miles north of where they live. We met in Ottowa, IL and had lunch with Lee and Sandy at Cracker Barrel. It was good to see both and had a nice visit with Lee and Sandy and caught them up on the activities at the reunion.
Rod and Paula Rodello also stopped in Streator, IL to visit with Lee and Sandy. Rod tows his camper all over the US and he was on his trip home also. Sandy said they had a great visit and it sorta felt like a small reunion for Lee and her. Were happy to see our friends and below are a couple of pictures taken. Thank you Lee and Sandy for your hospitality.

Dennis & Diane Giguere - Dennis served 1960-1963 - MM2
Gary & Jan Jennings - Gary served 1971-1976 - BT2
Ron Blevins, Served 1958-1961 - FT2
Rob & Lil Boysen, Rob served 1968-1970 - YN3
Tom & Murial Bouwens, Tom served 1965-1967 - MRFN
Bill & Linda Ward, Bill served 1970-1973 - MM3
Jim & Judy Cogswell, Jim served 1962-1968 - MM2
Bob & Angela Harris, Bob served 1969-1973 - BT3
Barbara Cooper & Son, Paul, widow and son of Henry Cooper, Henry served 1966-1968 and 1970-1972 - BTC
Robert Maloney & Chery King, Robert served 1968-1970 - BT2
Rod & Paula Rodello, Rod served 1959-1964 - BT2
David & Vicky Steere, David served 1959-1963 - IC2
John & Suzanne Lane, John served1970-1971 - OS2
Mike & Louise Kenny, Mike served 1965-1967 - LTjg
Dave & Sharon Wilson, Dave served 1963-1968 - SM1
Jim & Ginny Pagel, Jim served 1969-1972 - BT2
Henry Isenburgh, Henry served 1971-1973 - QM
Clint & Robyn Kammerer, Clint served 1963-1966 - SO3
Vince & Karen Strain, Vince served 1965-1967 - SK3
David Lang & Terri Lehan, David served 1971-1973 - OS2
Bill & Karen Kay, Bill served 1963-1965 - QM3
Cecil & Kathy Evans, Cecil served 1963-1965 - RD3
Jim & Judy Cogdill, Jim served 1962-1966 - BMSN
Pictures from Vicky Steere
Pictures from Vince and Karen Strain
Pictures from Sharon Wilson